The 艺术ist in Residence (AIR) program offers professional artists of the Austin area an inspirational environment in which to pursue various mediums 和 to further creative development in a natural setting. Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve is a uniquely situated urban natural area reflecting the personality of Austin — at once wild 和 modern, 自然和技术先进, 保护和发展.
野生盆地每年举办两位艺术家:春季和秋季. 鼓励大奥斯汀地区所有学科的艺术家申请. 艺术家获得了少量的材料预算, 供应, 和设备, 和 given access to the 野生盆地创意研究中心 和 the trail system for inspiration.
桑娅伯格 是德克萨斯州奥斯汀的一名视觉艺术家. 出生在罗利, 北卡罗来纳州,在费城郊区长大, Sonya received her MFA in painting from The University of Texas at Austin in 2010 和 her BA in Studio 艺术 from Messiah College, 2005年私人助理. Her current work explores the relational weight of the portrait through painting 和 photographic techniques, 通过将平凡和随意转化为脆弱和高尚.
Sonya explores the layered tension of human’s interaction with nature 和 how the natural world infiltrates our inner l和scape. 通过绘画和摄影技术,利用去除步骤, Sonya considers various ways we attempt to control or care for the wilderness around us. 通过对盆栽植物的反复记录, 透过空窗画观察远景, 或者费力地研究一幅肖像中的人脸, the resulting work is an invitation to consider the ways we process our own presence in nature, 当我们这样做的时候,我们可能会有多疏远.
Sonya will present public programs focused on the individual visitor’s interaction with their environment 和 with each other through observational drawing 和摄影. By highlighting the individual's contributions through portraiture 和 personal narrative, 她希望考虑关爱自然的关系方面, 以及我们保护环境的个人责任.
Sonya’s work has been exhibited at numerous venues including ICOSA Collective in Austin 和 The Contemporary in Dayton, 俄亥俄州. 索尼娅曾在伍德赛德的杰拉西驻地艺术家项目中担任驻地艺术家, 加利福尼亚州和佛蒙特州约翰逊工作室中心. 她目前任教于圣. 365比分网电竞. 查看更多她的作品
The hope of this residency is that visitors connect with Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve in a new way that deepens their appreciation of art 和 nature. 在主页上注册我们的时事通讯,以了解即将到来的消息 孩子们 和 成人 研讨会!
- 捐赠 a piece created during or inspired by their residency to the Wild Basin permanent collection
- Present two 研讨会 during the residency: one for 成人s 和 one for school-age 孩子们
- 每周至少有一天在现场工作
- 展出在野生盆地游客中心驻留期间创作的作品
- Be willing to be filmed, photographed or interviewed for Wild Basin promotional purposes
- 在居住期间遵守野生盆地的所有政策.
2025年春季/秋季常驻艺术家申请截止日期 2024年10月31日 2025年应用 现在可用.
Submit application materials by email to the Environmental Education Coordinator for consideration by the selection committee. 申请必须包括一份简短的陈述,说明居留目标, 首选居住期限, 一份简历, 工作的数字样本, 还有签名的申请表. The award will be made based on merit 和 on an underst和ing of the mission of Wild Basin. 选择将不考虑种族, 宗教, 性, 残疾, 婚姻状况, 年龄或国籍. 2025年春季和秋季申请截止日期为2024年10月31日. 获奖名单将在实习开始前一个月公布. 申请将于2023年7月开始.
〇2024年春天 桑娅伯格 是德克萨斯州奥斯汀的一名视觉艺术家. 出生在罗利, 北卡罗来纳州,在费城郊区长大, Sonya received her MFA in painting from The University of Texas at Austin in 2010 和 her BA in Studio 艺术 from Messiah College, 2005年私人助理. Her current work explores the relational weight of the portrait through painting 和 photographic techniques, 通过将平凡和随意转化为脆弱和高尚.
2023年秋季. Thomas Cook 是德克萨斯州奥斯汀的一位油画家吗. 他出生于马里兰州巴尔的摩,曾在萨凡纳艺术与设计学院学习绘画. 主要从事油画工作, 石墨粉和丝网印刷, 他的作品大量取材于他周围的风景和他的旅行经历.
2023年春季. Leila Ali是一位哥伦比亚出生的视觉艺术家,现居奥斯汀. Her work moves between modes of production that employ photography, collage, painting, 和 drawing. Her most recent project uses botanical art 和 l和scape photography as a lens to reflect on common wild plants that are often overlooked 和 neglected, 这种现象被称为“植物失明”。. Leila's practice aims to invite the public to look closely 和 appreciate the rich botanical environment, 有时是看不见的,被认为是理所当然的.
2022年秋季. 有空Safko. Ania是一位从事电影工作的乌克兰裔美国视觉艺术家, 诗歌, 和摄影, 也是德州大学奥斯汀分校艺术硕士项目的21届毕业生. Her artistic practice deals with the human impact on the l和scape of the American West 和 the changing nature of Americans' relationship with wilderness.
2022年春季. 朱丽叶Whitsett. Juliet is an 艺术 Educator with a Master’s Degree in 社区-Based 艺术s Education from the University of Texas-Austin 和 本科 in 艺术 Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has designed arts 和 environmental education programs for public institutions such as the High Line, 伯德小姐约翰逊野花中心, 的Thinkery, 奥斯汀探索学校和国内外的私人组织.
2021年秋季-达尼卡·奥斯特洛夫斯基. Ostrowski is based in Austin 和 is a dedicated advocate for the preservation of public l和s. She paints both en-plein-air 和 creates in-studio work based on photographs, sketches 和 memories. Ostrowski began painting on the porch at Wild Basin every Friday morning until Wild Basin closed due to COVID-19 in March 2020. 她重新开始了她的驻地,并担任了野生盆地2021年秋季的驻地艺术家.
2019年秋季-珍爱帕克. 作为一名视觉艺术家, 说书人兼摄影师, Parker explores "the relational connection between subjects 和 space with subtle elements of emotion". 在Wild Basin实习期间, Parker examined how humans 和 nature live in t和em 和 hopes her artwork will encourage people to reflect on their connection to nature 和 the spaces they occupy. In November 2019, Parker guided 14 孩子们 和 成人s in the technique of cyanotype nature printing.
〇2019年春季 伯大尼约翰逊. Johnson is based in Austin 和 her art explores the intersection between art 和 science: between the poetic experience of nature 和 the more objective study thereof. 她的作品主要以绘画为媒介, intermingling the aesthetic approaches 和 media associated with l和scape art traditions with data-oriented, 信息组件, 比如地震成像, 地质调查, 和其他人.
2018年秋季—— Jaime麦考密克. McCormick’s work highlights the connection between people 和 the environment primarily using acrylic, 水粉画, 拼贴技术. 对环境保护充满热情, McCormick hopes to create art that connects visitors to Wild Basin 和 sparks exploration of our natural spaces.
2017年秋季/ 2018年春季 海蒂·米勒·洛厄尔. Lowell has over 9 years of experience as an art teacher 和 a keen appreciation for nature from her childhood in Colorado. 使用3D建模和水彩, 艺术家的目的是庆祝野生盆地的动植物, 让人们注意到保护野生环境的重要性.
2017年春季 安德里亚狼. 沃尔夫的作品主要集中在当地野生动物的当代肖像. The artist painted at the preserve weekly 和 conducting two events open to the public at the 野生盆地创意研究中心 during her time with us. An event geared to an 成人 audience explored the influence of local wildlife with a painting demonstration. 第二个面向儿童的活动侧重于将自然融入艺术.